Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Q and A time

Tootsies's Q & A
Pixie passed this along to me, so I will answer and play it forward.

1. How long have you been using PSP, PS?
I started using Photoshop around 10 years ago, just recently upgrading to CS3. Pixie got me hooked on PSP
as well about a year or so ago when she talked me into joining PSPUniversity

2. How did you get into making tags, scrapkits?
I joined a couple of lists a lonnnnnng time ago and then I hooked up with Pixie. SHE MADE ME DO IT!
(tee hee). I was doing strictly tags until Pixie got me interested in scrapping.

3. Who`s your fave artist?
I think I like Al Rio best. Runnerup would be Jasmine Becket-Griffith.

4.Who`s your favourite Scrap Designer?
That's a toughie. I love them all!

5. Which three blogs do you visit everyday?
That would be TeamKissed, Nickie's Nick Naks and Scrap Happiness (although that's really a store).

Ok Ladies its your turn, just replace Tootsie's name with mine and forward to 3 people you want to know a little more about.

I am sending this on to:


LavaDownUnder Scraps

LadyQueen's Creations

Happy Scrapping!

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